This was whose idea?

So, baby is very much on the way. I know this because I am noting but a raging bag of hormones! Did you see that word… RAGING. In the biggest sense of the word that is me. One second I am mrs nice and 20 seconds later….


My oldest, who is 20 and has her own son that is almost a year, asked her father the other night “so dad how is YOUR pregnancy going?” He didn’t miss a beat… “it’s horrible”


Geeze, I wonder why he would say that? He isn’t the one growing after just loosing 30 pounds! He is the one with the achy back that has been on bed rest for six weeks? He isn’t the one with NO appetite what so ever!! WHY would he say such a thing…


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Getting Ready For Baby

Even though I am not due for a few more months the fact that our house is so tiny we have started to prepare for his or her arrival. We were blessed to find a good deal on a crib and mattress from friends of my brother in law. We have no place to store it so we had to arrange the room to fit it. Then we drained the water bed and put an air mattress in place of the water mattress. I sleep so much better on the air mattress and it was 20 bucks. We had a soft side water bed so we just took the bladder and foam sides out and put in the air mattress, blew it up and zipped the cover around it. You don’t know there is a difference until you set on it.


I got classic pooh for the baby bed. Hubby put together the changing/table dresser from HELL…. It only had like 3245 parts to it. Directions were made by wee elves that have NO clue…. But it’s DONE.


Tomorrow my goal is to menu plan and budget plan for the upcoming months.


Here is our crib. This was taken at the home it was last in. They bought it for a grandson and he never used it even once. I will take some pics in a couple days of how it looks in our room. My room is now VERY multifunctional. It is a bedroom, nursery, office and it is where I am most of the day since I am on bed rest and my step daughter moved back in with ALL THREE of her kids! Yea… needed that right now too.

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A wee lil kink in my college career….

About three weeks ago I passed a test, or failed a test.  I guess it depends on how you look at it.  At 39 I thought the medical symptoms I was having had to do with menopause.  No…. they had to do with being pregnant.

Yup. I started college and got knocked up.  LOL.   Shocked the stew out of me.  I was told about six years ago that if hubby and I wanted a baby together (he has two kids and I have three) we would need infertility treatments.  Surprise, surprise, surprise.  God has other plans.  After the initial shock and getting excited I have had some complications so that I am on bed rest for the time being.  Three of my professors have been great, all my work is done from home and emailed in.  One, however, who is a 30 year old nerd that thinks his lectures contain the knowledge of the world (i have yet to hear something that I hadn’t already read in the book) said there is no way I could pass his tests with out being there for the lectures.  Ugh.  I am dropping that with a doc note.

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Family Reunion

Tomorrow we have a family reunion at Fanning Springs. For some strange reason they are having it early in the a.m. We are leaving here (supposedly) at 6 a.m. If hubby doesn’t wake up on time I am not going to push it because it would be nice to sleep in.


This is a picture of my three when they were little. Lew is no 17, Em (the baby) is 16 and Kait is 20. I will have to do an updated pic of the three of them tomorrow.

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Late Night Early Morning

Couldn’t sleep last night. Didn’t get to sleep till after 2. Woke at 4:30, our dog was going nuts barking in the back yard. I thought maybe someone was out there but he was just answering some other neighborhood dog. Not sure what they were discussing but it sounded pretty heated.

I am watching CNN’s coverage of Ike. It is such a large and powerful storm. One thing that irks me is how these news channels put their people in harms way. There are reporters standing out in the storm in various areas. Its nuts. You half expect one of them to blow away. They stand in the storm debris blowing behind them telling people how dangerous it is and to stay off the streets. The only peoplethat should be out are the emergency personnel they tell the public. Do they not realize if something happens to one of their reporters and they have to call 911 they are then putting the emergency personnel in danger?

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Update on First Essay


Well, I got my first essay back.

He made us all very nervous. We received a lecture like in high school about how disappointed he was in our work. How many of us wrote like seventh graders and had no clue how to write a high school paper and here we were trying a college paper. I got my grade.

A 100!


Now, you may think wow she is ecstatic. Ok, I am excited BUT… he said he was going to go over what he wants in the essays…. I figured I’d get my essay back and have some helpful feedback on all the in’s and outs. Nope, just a 100. I B.S’d the essay… now I am unsure how to proceed with the one due Tuesday! Not sure if I have any B.S. left in me. J


I guess there were quite a few in the class that just bombed it. He said they would put direct quotes in the paper with no citations at all.


Guess what I’ll be doing this week end?


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Quiet Friday Writing and Worrying

What am I worrying about? Writing of course. Working on this paper for my social sciences class. Trying to come up with a topic is horrid. I am just going to do some free writing today and tomorrow and whatever I come up with that seems to flow better I will develop over Sunday and Monday.

It seems I should probably get dressed as it is 1:30 in the afternoon. I have spent the a.m. surfing, reading, and writing. I have     to pick up my son at school at 2:30. He is doing his internship which is part of the dual enrollment. He is interning in the graphic     arts department. He was chomping at the bit to go so he could see all his friends.

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Trying again… post lost in space

I wrote a post earlier.  I hit publish.  It is no where to be found…

I was able to change my algebra from the professor that does not know how to teach to a class with a wonderful professor who truly loves what she does and is an AWESOME teacher!  By the time I got out of class I GOT IT!  I understood the stuff that the other professor had went over last week but had not explained.

I am going to the learning resource center (aka the library) tomorrow.  They have a writing center where you can get help on papers.  I think once I get through the first one and see what is expected and live through it the rest will be a cake walk.

I am waiting, impatiently, (at least I’m honest) for my financial aid refund to post so I can get some software I need for a couple of my classes.  I can not afford it with out the financial aid and the stupid bookstore isn’t carrying it this year.

Keeping an eye on the tropics.  The spots to watch.  First and foremost, Gustov.   Hopefully he falls apart and isn’t as strong as expected and leaves New Orleans alone.  I’m not sure that place to handle another storm like Katrina.  I don’t think anyone really can handle it but they still aren’t recovered fully from Katrina.

My son is being sent to a “staging” area in Alabama.  Like his father he is a line clearance tree trimmer.  Generally they are there right after a storm hits, or if it is here in Florida, during the storm.  Cutting, sawing and getting the mess out of the way so the lines can be put back up and people can get through the streets.

Here is a pic of hubby at work.

Well, my son needs the laptop for some school work.  I’m headed to find some z’s or as hubby says to check the back of my eyelids for cracks.

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Forced Writing…

I love to write.  I hate to write. 

Yup, that’s it in a nutshell.

I love to write.  I love to blog, I love to write about my day, my family, my life.  I love to work on my novel when I am not stuck.

However, these college papers I am having to write.  Hate them.  I don’t think it would be so bad if the professor would assign a topic.  I am good at research.  I enjoy it.  To me it’s like a game searching for the best information to use.  The one book or article that will cinch it all together.

We have six essays to do.  It is a social science class.  It covers a broad, VERY broad subject area.  We can right about ANYTHING in that subject area. 

Ideas anyone?

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Writing, Freeing Myself

I would love to set down and just let myself write.  Whatever I wanted to write.  Just let it flow.  Creative writing teachers say this is a great way to tap into ideas.  To find your inner self.  I am sort of doing this now.  Only I am not being “free” with myself.  I have limits.  Things that I just can’t, for whatever idiotic reason, put out there.

There are people in this world who do not have a problem writing about anything at all.  Their lives are open books.  Mine, especially the inner parts, looks more like a document recently released by the goverenment. Firm, thick, black lines covering the text that is there so others can not see.

There are so many things I want to talk to someone about.  I never do.  Maybe I should hire a therapist, after all you pay them to listen to your inner most thoughts.  Maybe I would feel ok about it then, after all I would feel guilty for not sharing with them since after all, it’s costing me money.

Yes, I have a husband.  Yes we have a good relationship but we never “talk”.

Hi honey how was your day?

Great and yours?

Wonderful.  What would you like for dinner?

Doesn’t matter.

Click, on goes the TV, another big buck about to loose his life all for the enjoyment of the redneck hunter.

Sometimes we breech into current events:

Did you see the flippin price of gas today?

Sure did what to hell is up with this world?

… click… Dog’s on…it’s new wanna watch it with  me?

So, the picture is becoming clear.  Television is my husbands addiction.  I’d like to carry on a great conversation.  I’d like him to share my love of reading, of books, of anything outside of television.  It’s not going to happen.  Most days I repeat myself, several times over again, just to finish a short conversation.  Even then I do not feel like he has listened to me.  He hasn’t “heard” me.

We have been together eight years.  We have been married seven.  We have raised some great kids.  The youngest is 16 and will be leaving home in the next couple years.  Deep down this scares me.  It scares me on the mom level because my “baby” will be gone.  The house will be quiet, except for, of course, the televison.  It scares me on a personal level because what will happen to my marriage?

Will my husband suddenly decide after the kids are gone that it’s ok to talk with his wife.  To share things.  To share feelings on life, thoughts, concerns?  Or will we just be two people.  Living in a house together.  Growing old.  Eating dinner.  Watching the late news and waiting for the kids to call.  Can I be satisfied with this?  This thought terrifies me.  I love my husband.  He has some of the most wonderful traits.  He is loving and kinds.  He supports me in everything I want to do.  He is a great provider.  He is a man’s man.  He is a wonderful father to our kids.  A great grandfather to our grandkids.  He is honest.

Do I know where I stand with him?  Maybe.  I’ll ask him what he is thinking… “nothing” is his reply.  No matter what.  That is the answer.
“nothing”.  He could be setting there looking so deep in thought a person has the urge to toss him a life saver and still, he would be thinking “nothing”

At what point do you get comfortable enough with your husband/wife to share EVERYTHING.  Every little thought, every fantasy, every feeling you have?  Is it wrong to be married to someone you feel you can’t share with?

I’ll ponder these another day.

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